Thinking on the concepts of "oxygen debt" and "anaerobic threshold" 对“氧债”和“无氧阈”概念的质疑与思考
Conclusion Although cardiac index decreases and hypoxemia is worsen during ARDS, but there is no tissue oxygen debt following PHC. 结论实施PHC时,虽然CI降低,低氧血症加重,但并不加重组织缺氧。
In the early post-operation period, the status of system oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption displays flow-dependent oxygen consumption. As the peculiar outcome of glycolysis, the degree of increase in blood lactate levels is proportional to the severity of tissue oxygen debt and low degree tissue perfusion. 术后早期,机体的氧供需状态表现为氧供依赖关系,作为糖酵解的特异性产物,乳酸生成量与整体氧债和组织低灌流程度相关。